Terms and conditions
Terms and Conditions regarding language courses:
As for the duration of the course.
The English and Dutch courses will last 8 months, respectively, starting on August 20, 2022 and with a final date scheduled for May 20, 2023. The entire duration of the course involves classes, vacations, possible holidays and celebrations.
As for payment.
Payments will be made as per the new HOPE GIVERS FOUNDATION language course format.
The contracting party must register for the amount of €15.00 and 3 installments of €100.00 in the first three months of the course. Below is the payment table and respective signatures of the payer and person responsible for receiving the HOPE GIVERS FOUNDATION.
Registration €20.00
_____/ _______/ 2022
_____/ _______/ 2022
August €100.00
_____/ _______/ 2022
_____/ _______/ 2022
September € 100.00
_____/ _______/ 2022
_____/ _______/ 2022
October € 100.00
_____/ _______/ 2022
_____/ _______/ 2022
Money ()
Student Subscriptions
As for schedules.
Classes will start punctually at the established times and knowledge of both parties to the contract. In order to avoid schedule delays and to encourage commitment, we will have a maximum allowance of 5 minutes per class. In case the room is empty, with 1 student present, classes will start at 12:30 pm.
IMPORTANT: A sound signal will signal the start, break and end of classes.
As for the ratings.
At the end of the units determined by the teacher, assessments of a self-assessment nature will be applied, therefore without reproach.
Although the evaluations do not have a failing character, the student cannot miss them, except for fair reasons, previously discussed and evaluated.
Regardless of the justification presented by the contracting party, the second replacement assessment will be charged.
The amount to be paid for each missed assessment will be €25.00 on the day of prior appointment of the replacement assessment.
At the end of the course, the student who has not completed all the assessments will not obtain the course completion certificate offered by HOPE GIVERS FOUNDATION.
IMPORTANT: The certificate does not yet have official value from the Dutch Ministry of Education (OCW – Onderwijs, Cultuur em Wetenschap), but it proves that the student attended and successfully completed the course.
Regarding the timetable and frequency of the course.
The calendar will be provided so that students can track the progress of the course. It will mention the possible holidays and summer vacations, according to the school calendar of the region of the course.
The student who has 3 unexcused absences will have their registration canceled, if there is no accepted justification.
As for dropping out of the course.
It is agreed that the amount paid will not be refunded.
The amount paid will not be reused for other possible language courses offered by HOPE GIVERS FOUNDATION.
About the services offered by HOPE GIVERS FOUNDATION.
7.1 The CONTRACTED PARTY is solely responsible for technical and pedagogical guidance resulting from the provision of classes in English or Dutch, with regard to HOPE GIVERS FOUNDATION.
7.2 The offer of the language service for the year 2022 is for the face-to-face modality, with non-face-to-face pedagogical activities, synchronous and/or asynchronous, with or without the use of information technology resources.